Crunch Time

Bloodletting tear shedding
No reaction at a wedding
Lung collapsing air gasping
Clock ticking time passing
Skin crawling rash raw and
Senses duller than before but
Body reeks betrayal seeks
Some peace, good news, release

Instead my

Migraines race like trucks at trains
Blood flows hot and floods my brain
Achy joints with juicy aches
Camouflaged with jumping jacks.

There she goes they say and marvel
at the grace the brave bonanza so
content, so joie de vivre yet
seldom do they see the starving
stomach gutted of contentment
filled with yearning and resentment
and unlimited self-pity ain’t
she pretty – for a sicky.

I’ll be damned

if she don’t beat this.
What time is it…? Crunch time.      
Always crunch time.

Copyright 2012 Liya Khenkin

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